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May 28, 2024

betboom esportsSchool recognizes graduate students at Comm Day

Hillary Shulman receives Faculty Mentor of the Year Award

Last month, the School of Communication hosted its annual end-of-year celebration and scholarship event for graduate students.

 Dr. Marie-Louise Mares from the University of Wisconsin-Madison joined the event as a guest speaker.

The Walter B. Emery Scholarship, known as the “junior” research award, was given to second year PhD student Blue Lerner.

The “senior” research award, the Doris Gildea Moran Scholarship, was awarded to third betboom esportsyear PhD student Charles Monge.

The Albert Warren Scholarship for teaching excellence was awarded to fourth year PhD student Jorge Cruz Ibarra.

The Outstanding Master’s Student Award was given to graduating MA student Damien Short, who will be entering Ohio State’s PhD program this fall.

 Dr. Hillary Shulman was voted as this year’s Faculty Mentor of the Year, as voted on by the graduate students.

 The event also recognized Dr. David DeAndrea’s seventh and final year of service betboom appas Graduate Studies Chair.