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The School of Communication is honored to offer many scholarships to students in the major. Most awards are merit-based and represent the judgment of our faculty about standout performance in well-defined areas.  betboom esportsThese scholarships signify both the prestige of faculty judgment about a student’s academic performance, but also the monetary award. A few of our awards are need-based, but still reflect faculty judgment about outstanding performance in specific areas of Communication.  Most awards carry the name of distinguished alumni, prominent citizens or former professors or administrators in the School, as honored by the donors.

During the 2023-2024 academic year, more than $150,000 in scholarships and awards were given to students in the School of Communication. betboomStudents are recognized for their achievements by the School's faculty and staff at the annual Scholarship Award Ceremony held each Spring.

The 2024-2025 School of Communication scholarship application is now closed.  Please check back in December 2024 for the application for the 2025-2026 academic year.