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High-ability students in the School of Communication may pursue challenging academic programs through the Arts and Sciences Honors Program. Honors students are encouraged to construct an enhanced curriculum that includes honors courses, upper-division courses, a strong major that includes a significant research experience, and a minor or second major.


Students in the School of Communication may participate in the Arts and Sciences Honors Program by completing a program of study either leading to the designation betboom review“with honors in the Arts and Sciences” or “With Honors Research Distinction in Communication or Journalism”.  Students in the School of Communication are encouraged to complete both options and to become involved in COMM 4998 research early in their career (during their freshman or sophomore year).

Honors Contract

To graduate "with honors in the Arts and Sciences”, a student must complete an approved Honors Contract and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.4. Submitted at the conclusion of your second year, the Honors Contract will affirm your intention to continue to undertake strong course work, especially honors and 3000- and 4000-level classes, throughout your undergraduate curriculum. The contract is developed with an Honors advisor from the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Communication Honors Advisor for Communication majors, Jennifer Scott (  This contract can be tailored to reflect individual interests and career plans, betboom appand is subject to approval by the ASC Honors Committee.

Honors Research Thesis

To graduate "with honors research distinction in Communication or Journalism”, a student must complete a substantial independent research project under the guidance of a faculty member and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.4. If you are planning to complete an Honors Thesis, you can expect to devote approximately two semesters to your project, and you must complete between 4 and 12 semester credit hours of 4999H research credit in the relevant discipline. The Honors Thesis application must be submitted to the ASC Honors Office for approval upon enrollment in 4999H. For additional information on the Honors Thesis option, please contact Dr. Susan Kline at


Incoming freshman accepted to the University Honors Program will directly enroll into the Arts and Sciences Honors Program if you choose to major in Communication or Journalism. Honors students do not have to apply to the School of Communication. Instead, betboom apphonors students must meet with the School of Communication Honors Advisor to declare the major. Pre-major coursework is still required for honors students.

If you are an Ohio State honors student who is betboom appfrom another Ohio State college or program (such as University Exploration, the Fisher College of Business, the College of Engineering, etc.) outside of Arts and Sciences, you will need to apply for membership in the Arts and Sciences (ASC) Honors Program to retain your honors status. 

Research Opportunities

Honors students in the School of Communication have many opportunities to participate in research across various content areas within the field of Communication.  All students are required to take a communication research methods course.  In addition, honors students are encouraged to engage in research projects through COMM 4998: Undergraduate Research in Communication, under the supervision of a faculty member. Students are able to even design and implement their own betboomresearch project through the Honors Research Thesis option. 

Honors Courses

Honors students majoring in communication are required to take COMM 2367H.

Further Information

We hope you will consider majoring in one of the four undergraduate programs offered by the School of Communication within the Arts and Sciences Honors Program at The Ohio State University.  For further information, please see the Arts and Sciences Honors Program website or contact Jennifer Scott, Academic Advisor, at